Monday, 20 October 2008

Writing IS rewriting

Back on Devil's Kiss, reworking it for the US market. What's curious is that there are subtle mods required beyond changing the odd word and eliminating the 'u' out of colour.
Obviously it's the same book (though if you insist on buying both US and UK editions, who am I to stop you?) but there's a different emphasis.
I'm bring this up when I've finished it and can review it with a bit of distance and objectivity, but the rewrite's going much more smoothly than before, now I've a bit more confidence with what to do.
Just read Here Lies Arthur, which wasn't on my list and I've just bought another book I really didn't need (but one has to support one's local ye olde book shoppe) and I...liked it. It's been so widely reported as a masterpiece, it won Reeve the Carnegie and is a great, deceptively simple read. But...
I really did think his Mortal Engines was MUCH better. Also I am a huge fan of Arthur (as you'll see shortly) and it's very hard reading him being cast as a scumbag. Which was the point, but still.
There, said it.
While I'm at it, the ending of the Country for Old Men was RUBBISH!
Oh, and really, when will Phillip Pullman write a proper LONG book? Which reminds me, they've got his small little pocketbook story in the library, which I must read. Obviously, I think Phillip Pullman is GOD, or at least some significant divine being (but would that mean he doesn't believe in himself?)
Rant over.


Anonymous said...

hmm. curious to know what is reworked for the US market. maybe when you're finished you could post a list!

re here lies arthur - i went to the library to borrow it and then totally forgot the title. and couldn't remember the author. so i borrowed my swordhand is swinging ... and realised very quickly it wasn't the book i'd set out to borrow when the vampires appeared. still, enjoyed it. although character development is sacrificed in the name of chilling pace (i had to put the book down everytime something scary happened)

Tracy said...

I've read both and enjoyed both. Here Lies Arthur and My Swordhand is Singing.
I rather enjoyed the take on Arthur, made a change.

Do agree Philip Pullman is fantastic but talking of fantastic. A must read if you haven't done already.
The Knife of Never Letting Go.
OMG, how good is this book! I loved it that much I contacted the author to tell him.

Like Candy, I'm intrigued by the American reworking.

Jon M said...

With you on those little Northern Lights spin offs, like a teasing taster for something bigger.

Confidence in writing is the key! Not sure I'd revere Mr P unto Godhead but I like his stories quite a lot!

SarwatC said...

My Swordhand is Singing. I love all that old world vampire stuff!

US v UK stuff isn't radical. Maybe it's just more to do with another editor giving me their own opnion, which is a USA one. It's not that I'm suddenly setting it in New York (which, as I write it, would be a great setting, that and Chicago have that Gothic feel about them, and New Orleans has been done to death) and the characters remain very British (if not English, this will be a blog for another day).
But yes, I think I will report on this at some point.
The Knife of never letting go. You're the second person in the smae day to bring it up. Will add it to my list.
Wierd, but I read so much less now I dodn't have an office to commute to.

SarwatC said...

Oh, forgive the crappy spelling, folks.

Anonymous said...

This is really interesting ... can't wait for your book to be published btw. Just re-drafting mine :-) Anyway, interviewed Pullman a few months back for an article I wrote. Very interesting guy and really doesn't give a damn who he winds up ;-)