Monday, 3 November 2008


Just thought I'd try this as an experiment. This little clip is from this year's Battle of Hastings re-enactment a few weeks ago. I don't know, but this sort of thing really intrigues me. Part of me would love to have a go at the dressing up but it all looks like too much hard work. Plus I bet the mail really chaffs.


The Dark Goddess continues. I've got it more or less plotted, so I know where I think I'm going, but of course if something better comes up, so be it. Reckon I'm half-ish through.

Started Twilight and, inspite of myself, am really enjoying it! Will try and grab the film, which is in a few weeks, I think. Vampires, I never tire of them. Also grabbed a copy of Dark Alchemies to dip in and out of. The first story, Neil Gaiman's, is good. Strangely while his Sandman series was, IMHO, the most marvellous thing EVER, I've never really got into his novels. I've tried Neverwhere twice, and still given up p100. Oh, just finished Un Lun Dun. It was fantastic!


Jon M said...

They used to run a 'live' D&D group at Peckforton Castle near us but I never plucked up the courage to go along!

Good going with Book 2! I'm considering trying the 'don't read while you write' rule but I've a pile of books waiting for me, and the Fables graphic novels and now I've got to check out the other titles you've mentioned here! hmmmm.

SarwatC said...

Yes, I'm wary of inadvertaently redaing something then slipping it into the book. That's part of the reason I waited until Book 1 was well gone before picking up Tweilight. Now reading it I realise we're a million miles apart. Meyers genre is very much paranormal romance, mine is SWORDFIGHTS!!
Maybe we could organise a 'Greenhouse' LARP? You, me, Harriet could head down to some forest in our mediveal genre and spend a weekend fighting goblins and crawling around old castles in our tights and tunics.

SarwatC said...

Sorry about the appalling spelling again. Jeez, I should read these before I post them. Oh well.

Jon M said...

No worries I'm still reeling from the phrase "crawling around old castles in our tights and tunics." :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Pleased you're reading Twilight and agree about the re-writing stuff. I actually wrote the bones of my novel in a few weeks but my god, the re-writing / drafting is taking an age! It's kinda painful too, the inner critic is a mean old hag ...

As for reading while writing, if writing and re-drafting takes a few months, even a year, that's way too long without reading! But very difficult not to be influenced by what you read, right?

SarwatC said...

I'm really struggling to balance the home life with writing. It was easier when I had the day-job. House-wives of the world, I salute you!

Still, I have destroyed a major city, and written a vampire shopping scene this week, so it's not been a total waste.

Hit the mid-section of Twilight and Bella's finally discovered Edward's a vampire. Try and wrap it up tonight/tomorrow, then onto Tolstoy(yes, seriously!). I wanted to read some Russian literature to get into the mood, so I've taken Haji Murat, it's short.