Tuesday, 14 October 2014

My new project, the mega-epic 18 DAYS

Every now and then you get offered something that, in your wildest dreams, you'd never have thought possible.

I'm going to be writing the comic series 18 DAYS.

18 DAYS is the sci-fi retelling of the Indian epic, the Mahabharata. It's about a war that will end one age and bring in ours, the Age of Kali. It's as apocalyptic techno-punk as you can possibly imagine where gods and monsters rub shoulders and make war besides and against a breed of super-warriors. With nuke-level weaponry.

I've been working with the multi-media company GraphicIndia for about a year. They've brought in some extra-ordinary talent (Stan Lee, no less!) to give the West a flavour of the incredible fantasy worlds being created in India.

For 18 DAYS they've got GRANT MORRISON himself. Yes, The God of Comics. Grant's work speaks for itself but he's given us arguably the definitive Superman story (All-star Superman) and one of the greatest Batman stories ever, Arkham Asylum. Grant understands the world of mythology like no other writer and it's rather awesome (and somewhat frightening) to be working on a project created by him. I'm going to have to raise my game to the utmost.

Still, I get to write about bio-engineered super-elephants. Which is nice.

Grant's done the story bible and it's a thing of beauty. The picture above is taken from it and tells you all you need to know. It's the god Krishna and the hero Arjuna, but unlike you've ever seen them.

I'm writing the last few issues of Vol 3 and will be writing all of Vol 4. They'll be produced in graphic novel format but are also available as webisodes on Youtube right here. Check them out.

And on the subject of comics I will be making another announcement or two soon.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Why DC Comics ROCK

I know it's cool and fashionable to be a MARVEL fan and, let me get this straight, there are many MANY things I love about Marvel.

But this is a blog about DC Comics.

Right, where to begin? At the beginning.

First, there was SUPERMAN.

You cannot knock the guy in the cape. He started it all. The Man of Steel. The Big Blue. The Last Son of Krypton. He has it all. The suit, the cape, the x-ray vision and, most importantly, the MORAL CENTRE.

Superman DOES NOT KILL. I enjoyed the latest version, THE MAN OF STEEL but there was a mis-directed heart here. First look at the demolition of Metropolis. Look at the buildings wrecked. What was the body count? It would have been in the thousands, don't you think? The same applies to the AVENGERS movie. All of New York wrecked.

Neither movie makes any reference to the trauma and the devastation the supers have brought in on their cities.

Superman's respect for human life is what makes him great. It's what makes him, er... SUPER. There was a Grant Morrison interview on YouTube (which will be another blog) where he discusses heroes killing. He says they shouldn't do it for the most simple reasons: It's immoral and illegal. And heroes don't do it.

That applies DOUBLE for Superman. It may not be fashionable, in this 'modern' world of pragmatism where the good guys torture and the bad guys are YouTube sensations, but I think that's all the more reason for heroes to show what we are capable of, our best natures. Superman epitomises that.

Then there was BATMAN.

Do I even need to explain this guy? He's got the moves, the cave and the gadgets. If Superman is heart then Batman is the brains. While his origins are as grim as can be there's also a light in the centre of Batman's soul, his compassion, though well-hidden. He's got no reason to have it, he should be bitter and vindictive through and through but his soul is saved by the family he has, surrogates that replace what he lost. Alfred, Batgirl, the Robins. They're his family through and through and for all the lone avenger of the night he's been a mentor and inspiration to them and others.

Batman gives us our fantasy. With training, with dedication, with oodles of cash we could be just like him. Superman is beyond human (which allows him to reflect what it is to be human) but Bats is one of us. And he does have the best villain of all time, The one and only Joker. If Batman is iron-clad sanity, almost too rigid for its own good, then the Joker is pure chaos. Their dance is what makes the world go round.

And then we have Wonder Woman. Her star shines and dims but as a creation she is flawless, bringing in Greek Mythology into the world of comics and what were the Greek heroes but the superheroes of their age?

Well, that's just my opinion.

What do you think?

Monday, 11 August 2014

Six years of writing and it ain't any easier...

I gave up my day job on 15th August 2008. If you look through this blog you'll find the entry I made on that day.
Ah, how young and foolish I was, back in those days when I still had hair and some of it was black.
So, how's it all been? If you're interested in being a writer, or just plain nosey, here's a rough outline of my career so far.

There have been ups and there have been downs.

Much like life in general.

These are a few moments that stick in my mind.

1. Taking my youngest to school on their first day. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I hadn't had this job. I'd have been at the office, letting someone else take part on my kid's life. This is CLEARLY the best thing about my life as a writer, this huge opportunity to participate in my children's upbringing. Whether they like it or not.

2. School visits. There have been so many but one of the earliest was at a school in the US. I'd been signing my debut, DEVIL'S KISS, and this huge boy lumbered up. HUGE. Now high school kids are a lot bigger than me, on the whole, and this guy would have made the Terminator gulp. I sat there, slightly shaking, when he put the book down on the desk and told me this was the first book he'd ever read cover to cover and he loved it.

There are few moments in my career that have ever come close to that moment. I made a reader.

3. My first book deal. That was for DEVIL'S KISS and kicked off not just my career, but also that of my agency, GREENHOUSE LITERARY AGENCY. Now Sarah Davies is an awesome agent and I thoroughly recommend her to everyone but back then it was just her and me and neither had any idea whether this was going anywhere. My wife and I were about to order our Friday night curry when the call came in that DISNEY-HYPERION had made an offer on DEVIL'S KISS. No-one forgets their first book deal.

4. Bursting into tears at the Puffin marketing meeting. In front of about 100 people from all aspects of the industry. Booksellers, journalists, bloggers and the heads of the whole company. That was not a good day.

5. Making my audience burst into tears at a small bookshop in New Jersey. I'd written a blood-soaked, nihilistic YA horror story  and the audience was a bunch of six year old girls in fairy costumes. Don't ask.

Made lots and lots of new friends but there are times when I miss my old job as an engineer.

Engineering is maths. You can only be right or wrong in maths. In writing there is no such thing. It's utterly subjective. I've written five books but still feel I know nothing. I read books that are awesome and don't sell and then pick up books written hideously badly that are best-sellers. And everything in between.

The above piccie is my latest project. Here's how it's been.

1. May 2013. Have this idea for an EPIC high fantasy. Start writing it.
2. November 2013. It's finished, about 80,000 words. I love it. Everyone else hates it.
3. I chuck it ALL in the bin and start again.
4. May 2014 I've a new story. Very different from anything else I've ever written. It's a feminist high fantasy centred around the bad guys (and gals). It's very, VERY different. It's also 86,000 words long.
5. July 2014 send it to my agent after cutting it to 74,000 words. She has comments, all positive so I do a big redraft.
6. What you see in the piccie is my revising of the plot. I don't lay it out in much detail at the beginning because I want it to be fluid. But once I know I have the bones of the story I stick it up on the wall, chapter by chapter to see how it flows. Have I repeated myself? What scenes work, what scenes can be cut or combined together. WHAT IS THE STORY? This is different from a series of semi-connected events.
7. August 2014. Down from 74,000 to 68,000 words. I now park it.
8. September 2014. The plan is, but by letting it rest for three weeks, you gain an objective distance. I'll give it another going over, check spellings and grammar and then it's back to the agent. Then we shall see what we shall see.

Anyway, that's how it is for me.

Monday, 4 August 2014

HOC (Heroes of Colour) who KICK ASS

When I first created Ash Mistry, there was a lot of thought given to the other heroes of colour that were already out there. Like I said in last week's post, there are universal themes at work, and the ones I focused on were sacrifice (the essential quality of heroism) and doubt.

Doubt is weird, but critical. How do you know you're doing the right think? It's easy being a hero in a black and white world, where the bad guys have easy plans and twirl their curly moustaches and the heroes have white hats and no doubt over the righteousness of their cause. But I wanted to bring a bit of 'real world' issues into it. Just look at the newspapers or put on the news for five minutes and you'll see how confused the idea of 'good and evil' really are.

Now I'm an old fart, so my list has grey hairs in it, but I thought I'd present it to you, but first, a little explanation.

This is not about the 'Asian/African/Eskimo experience'. This is not autobiographical. This is about the HUMAN experience. First proves my point, as it's a HOC written by the GREATEST WRITER OF ALL TIME.

All bow to William Shakespeare...

1. OTHELLO. So good that Shakespeare named a play after him. He's black, and a general of the Venitian army and totally BADASS. He's risen in power despite a culture of racism, only further proving how much more BADASS he is compared to everyone else.

The story is one of misplaced loyalty, betrayal and jealousy. In the end Othello harbours self-doubt, perhaps fed by the racism all around him, is he truly worthy of Desdemona or has he being punching above his weight? Deep down he doesn't believe he's good enough for her, and her true desires are elsewhere. It's how many of us might feel, that we have rewards and blessings we don't deserve and will travel down the path of self-destruction to prove we are unworthy.

Simply put, it's Shakespeare. Go watch it.

2. MOWGLI. Come on, I have to put him in. He is my favourite HOC and why I wrote Ash in the first place. The Mowgli of the Jungle Book (the books rather than the Disney cartoon though I love that too and quite immensely) is BADASS. He's a proto-Tarzan. Powerful, mischievous, surly like all kids and mystical. I won't talk so much about him this time (beound telling you to read him and you'll see how much Ash Mistry is descended from him) around but will mention his creator, Kipling.

I LOVE Kipling. I know he was an old Imperialist but that doesn't take away the fact he was a great, GREAT writer.

I think he knew the flaws of the Empire, even though he was part of it during its' greatest greatness. Read 'The Man who would be King'.

It's the flipside of the 'White Messiah' trope. For those who are unfamiliar about it it's the cliche that non-whites can't look after themselves and need a white person to sort out their problems. It's a left-over baggage from our colonial past where Western powers liked to believe they were bringing 'civilization' to the ignorant darker races. So it made conquering another country and slavery a moral virtue. Think Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, think Daenarys Stormborn in Game of Thrones, Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans, Mississippi Burning and so on.

'The Man who would be King' is about two army rogues who head off into Kaffiristan (in the Pakistan/Afghanistan borders) to become rulers. They have no qualifications except a sense of their natural (white) superiority and at the beginning it all goes well. They conquer the backward tribes and become rulers until one bunch of natives realise they've been perfectly happy ruling themselves and throw our two heroes into a deep, deep ravine.

Read Kipling. He's brilliant.

3. SINBAD. I've noticed that there are a lot of HOC at the younger end of the publishing world. That's mainly down to fairy tales and 1001 Arabian Nights. We've Sinbad, Aladdin, Ali Baba and Scheherazade. Tales of pure magic with demons, genies and rocs and heroes and heroines who survive just as much by their wits as they do by their sword arms.

So, despite having these great HOC when we're young, they steadily vanish as we get older. Why so? Shouldn't they be standing right beside Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood? There are plenty of Grimm fairytale adaptations aimed at older readers, isn't it natural that these Arabian heroes should be there too?

Moving to modern now...

4. Khalid out of Guantanamo Boy. If you're a fan of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' (and frankly, who isn't?) then this is a book for you. It's grim, I warn you that. Khalid is your average British teen who ends up being in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken to Gauntanamo Bay, accused of being a terrorist. His pain, his sense of himself and the bizzare world he's dropped into are all brilliantly revealed by the author, Anna Perera.

5. Sunny out of Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor. I was given this book by an editor friend of mine after a LONG conversation about HOC. Then it was recommended (completely by chance) by Rick Riordan so basically I had to read it. It brings in a whole new mythology (for me, anyway) out of Africa and that's reason enough to be added to the list.

6. Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon. Now we look at another heroine out of a mythology I'm not that familiar wit, China. Cindy's written a story with a BADASS heroine who definitely is all about wits, not brawn. To do her story justice, check out my interview with her, here.

That's all, folks. I'd like to thank all of you who've taken an interest in what's going on with promoting greater diversity within children's publishing. There's more to come so until next time...


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Diversity, why we fight the good fight

I'm incredibly proud of the Ash Mistry books, they were a story that had been brewing since I was pretty young and went to see The Jungle Book and saw a hero up on the screen that was brown, for once.
Heroes are heroes. Their qualities are universal. Loyalty, sacrifice and capacity for love is what defines them.

It also helps, when fighting demon hordes, to be pretty BADASS.

They've had a lot of support from the great and the good. Fans, there are a few. The mythmaster himself, RICK RIORDAN (I hope he doesn't mind the name dropping), loved SAVAGE FORTRESS and if it's good enough for him, well, I think there might be something in it for you to enjoy too.

Which brings me to a sad, but true, story. Which might explain why these books sometimes, sometimes, don't get into your hands. Because no-one tells you about them.

When Ash was first launched here in the UK, I went to a 'meet and greet' with a large selection of booksellers. Now these were invited to HarperCollins HQ, so were the chosen few.
I waltzed around the room, telling them how excited I was that Ash was coming out, how it delved into mythology, history and just EPIC heroicness.
Then I met a bookseller who nodded politely then said:

"I can't see the point stocking it. We've no Indians in our town."

Well, I doubt she had any hobbits either but I bet she sold a few copies of The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings in her shop.

It's a shame that it should be judged on that, rather than the contents of the book which deal with self-sacrifice, loyalty and the true, universal nature of heroism, which is fighting the good fight when all is stacked against you.

So, I'm incredibly proud of all the great writers, publishers, librarians and booksellers and READERS that do support the push to make books dealing in diversity JUST MORE OUT THERE. I'm not  sure we need more books on diversity, there are plenty out there already, maybe just a bit hard to find in some sad cases?


Monday, 23 June 2014

What's Next

Hello. It's been AGES since I've been on this blog but frankly, it's time I was back.

There's a LOT, and I do mean a LOT, of changes coming up.

Firstly, the trip to New York was rather great, thanks for asking. You'll be finding out HOW GREAT very, very soon.

Secondly, there are some new writing projects on the horizon, hence the ARTS COUNCIL logo up there.

As you know, there's been a lot of talk about diversity, or the lack of, in children's publishing. If you know anything about my books you'll know that I've been bringing you diverse heroes from Day One, Page One.

In case you needed reminding:

The Devil's Kiss series
Billi SanGreal. Half-English half-Pakistani kickass heroine with Muslim Mother, Christian Father and Jewish Godmother.

The Ash Mistry series
Ash Mistry. British-born Indian demon slayer and divine superweapon of the goddess of death and destruction, Kali.

If you feel you are lacking in badass reading material, check out those two series.

This will continue, but in new and VERY special ways. The Arts Council are funding my next two projects. The first is with the rather wonderful Sarah Davies of Greenhouse Literary Agency. Now you must know Sarah. Basically she is the most rocking literary agent out there. By a long way. The plan is some polishes on the first project over the summer and then out into the big wide publishing world soon after.

The second project is super-early days but will have a Eastern angle to it. It will rock. It will be BADASS. I would deliver nothing less.

So, stay tuned. Prepare for a tidal wave of badassness.

Sarwat 'Dr. Badass' Chadda