Right, for 2010. I'm a great believer in New Year's Resolutions and breaking them. It reminds us that we are, after all, only human.
1. Carry on skipping. You may laugh, and many people in the park do (9.30am Tuesdays and Fridays, just by the gates), but gosh, it's hard work. I think it's not helped by the weight of my belly on somewhat dainty feet. Still, my vain ambition to be Daniel Craig's body double continues.
2. Be adopted by Angeline Jolie. Yep, still keen.
3. Well, since I am here in the land of make-believe, a literary prize would be nice. Hmm, is it too early in one's career for a Noble prize for literature? I think not.
4. Something writing related. Like another book. Yes, that sounds reasonable.
5. Read a lot more. This is something I'd thought would be automatic, but no. I used to read a lot when I commuted. So 2009 has probably been the year I've read less books than ever before. Plan to fix than in 2010. January will be NOTHING but reading.
6. Oh, another research trip. India in February. The next project is set in Varanasi, I'll tell you more about that in March (ish). My agent read the first draft. Her comments were unpublishable but 'sickeningly violent' were amongst them. So, maybe it won't be a picture book after all.
7. Not become the local mad old man. I'm slowly slipping into that 'don't see why I need to shave/ dress/ wash/ brush teeth/ get up before 12pm' routine and have started spending my waking hours shuffling around in my dressing gown and slippers, usually holding a cup of tea. Yesterday I used up three razor blades getting rid of my Xmas beard. Scary.
8. Expand my horizons, not my stomach. I might make a sideways step into writing pantos. Oh yes I will.
9. Dark Goddess. Deliver that in all its blood-soaked glory. Rewrite almost done!
Dear Rhonda,
Thanks for that. I've just finished the latest draft of Dark Goddess. Once I've checked the spelling it's off to the editors.
Sarwat, was just procrastinating from getting on with m/s that needs to be delivered on Monday (sock drawer in order -- check, every subject I can think of googled -- check) and came across and read your new year's resolutions. Made me laugh out loud. Loudly. Thank you. Feel chipper enough to return to what I'm actually supposed to be doing. So thank you for that too. Kate (Scott) PS Delighted all going so well with your books -- congratulations on the best reads, well deserved!
Hey Kate,
Long time no hear! What's the latest?
You'll be pleased to know my skipping is coming along well.
I am delighted to hear your skipping is coming along so well. Me, I'm concentrating on the hula hoop. Daughter got one for Christmas so I confidently picked it up to show her how it's done...let's just draw a veil over the mortification that followed. Suffice it to say that my daughter has now offered to teach ME. Hips! Oh why have you foresaken me?
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