Seriously cool, don't y'think?
It's amazing what people take from the book and how they imagine the story, compared to your own image of who the characters are and what they look like.
Billi's both fey and hard. There's a touch of Burne-Jones and I love the almost Victorian gothic aspect of her in white and the darkness beyond. Then there's the bad boy in the back. Mike or Kay? Who knows?
Really, it is a cover of my most favourite things!
It'll look very cool beside the Puffin book with its dramatic bloody 'X' and the industrial London city-scape. The same book, two very different covers. And both so very right.
I've just come back from the first half of my school tour. Thursday was the Oswestry Book Festival in sunny and very beautiful Shropshire, and Friday was Barlow High School and Chorlton in brooding Manchester. The wind was hwoling outside the library during the afternoon as I read some of chapter 1, couldn't have asked for a better setting.
I've a few more visits planned as part of the 'official' launch tour, then I'm planning to carry on with them myself. If you're interested in me coming over to your school, do contact me and I'll do my best.
The Questions and Answers threw up a few interesting issues. "How old are you?". "Do you know J.K Rowling?". "Is it like Twilight?".
I answered them all as truthfully as I could (and there were no gasps of horror when I told them my age as they all thought "How can anyone be THAT old and still, like, be alive?"). The event included some swords and live roleplay, which in hindsight might have involved better safety guidelines but no one's been hurt. Which is nice. Well done to all those that took part and I hope to get some piccies up soon.
Have spotted my book in the bookshops, which still gives me a warm glow inside.
Once the tour is done, I'll update my main website with photos and a more thorough summary of what happened, so do check it out in a week or two. The blog will still be the main event, but I do want the website to evolve a bit.
Other news, there's the Dulwich Festival happening near where I am. Sadly I'm not involved but there's no need to be churlish about these things. Wendy French is running a Children's Poetry and Writing Workshop at Tea West on Sunday 17th May, between 11-1pm. It involves shipwrecks, which is always good.
You are officially living the dream. Nice one, Sarwat, and heartfelt congratulations again.
Like the new cover but don't love it like I do the UK version. But I guess, as you say, we all have our own images of Billi in our heads.
Keep on having fun and enjoying it. You're an inspiration to all us struggling wannabes.
OMG, I have to have a copy of this...for completeness sake, of course. *looks embarrassed* Did that just come out loud?
So good to see you getting out and about, it is excellent news. Now, when do we see the television series? (hint hint)
And as Tracy said - you are an inspiration!
Great Cover! This is going to be my cover of the week next week
Cover of the week? Cool!
Carried out a whirlwind tour of the central London bookshops today and basically signed everything I could!
What's great is the enthusiasm of the booksellers themselves (especially when they tell you they loved your book!) so thanks a bundle to Sam at Foyles and Romaine and Frank and teh lady at Waterstones Picadilly!
Head is still in a daze from seeing the book in the bookshops. Normal service will resume next week.
Meanwhile, I am still doing some writing...
Great event last night Sarwat.. I opened my cherished signed copy this morning and read the book cover to cover.. I have NEVER done that before! - Fantastic work, so engaging and so Chadda. I am still spinning with all of the wonderfully details and imagery you created..I loved your treatment of different faiths and the common strings that unite all of us in humanity.. Hat's off!! I already want to read again but Lisa has prized it from me! Fan bloomin tastic!
a very re-inspired murphy!
That cover is so wonderful, Sarwat. Different wonderful. Love reading about your awesome awesomeness!
There is no extra charge for awesomeness.
Your time will come.
love this cover - it's the romantic in me,i know....
squee!! I am so very happy. I went on to Ebay to purchase you book because I could not wait and it arrived this week. I am devouring it right now and must say that I LOVE IT. I have put it on my post weeks ago for my Waiting on Wednesday and it has gotten another mention today.
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