Firstly, DARK GODDESS is OUT! It was unofficially launched on Saturday at Foyles as part of their Summer Scream bonanza, which was an amazing event. This is me, forcing my book on people. I can only hope they paid for it.
Met up with Rachel Caine, Sarah Rees Brennan where we talked about all thing supernatural and how Rachel used to write between 5am and 8am every day. So you have no excuse, basically. If you're serious about breaking into the industry you now know what you're up against. Then I also chatted with the authors of the tremendous Tunnels series, Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams.
Now, some of you may know that tunneling formed a significant period of my life as I worked on the Channel Tunnel for a few years back in the early 1990's (yes, I am that old). The highlight was me falling down a big drain in front of the French mining team. I'm hoping they (Rod and Brian, not the French mining team) might hire me as a consultant for their next book, fingers are crossed.
The Foyles team were beyond great, especially Neil who provided the questions (way more interesting than 'what's your favourite book' and 'Team Edward or Team Jacob?'). But thanks to all the gang who've been banging the drum for Devil's Kiss for the last year and that means Sam, Jeni and Jo-Anne. Hope you enjoy Dark Goddess!
So, if you'd like to get your hands on an early copy, it's available at Foyles and Foyles alone. The general release will be next Thurs and (hopefully) it'll be available at all good bookshops (in the UK!). The US edition is due out 25th Jan 2011 and it'll be hardback and even more gorgeous.
Is there more news? Oh yes indeed.
I've won the Spellbinding award run by Cumbrian Secondary Schools! There was some serious competition but hey, they went with the Templar book and why not? It's the first prize I've won since I was about 6 when I received 50p (I think) for designing the cover of our sports day pamphlet. I've still got it somewhere in the loft so might show you later. Still, what a result! Thanks to everyone in sunny Cumbria and there are plans for me to head up there soon (maybe before the summer hols but definately after).
Can the bonanza of good news continue? Of course it can!
The DARK GODDESS competition had a load of entries so it was great to hear how much people were looking forward to the further adventures of Billi SanGreal. The names went into a hat and the winners of a signed copy are:
WulfLuva (whose favourite heroine was Ashlyn), Pook26 (Buffy), Stacey (Katnis), Surfergirl9 (Aisling), Aik (Claire out of the Morganville series), Cherry (Karrin) and finally Michelle (Persephone).
Yes, I have awarded 7 winners rather than five. That's because I'm that kind of guy and I'm due a box of ARCs of Dark Goddess so will hand a few of those out too. But they're somewhere in the Atlantic so may take a while to arrive.
Congrats to the winners and sorry I couldn't send all the entrants a copy, but there'll be another comp when the US edition comes out. Could the names picked email me with your addresses? Use the Contact Me link on my main website.
I just re-read Devil's Kiss the other day, and it really makes me want to read Dark Goddess! I'm bummed that I live in the U.S. because I have to wait until October! Hopefully the time will fly by.
Alas you'll have to wait a bit longer than that, it's coming out 25th Jan 2011.
Completely my fault. DG got longer and longer because it had to. It's a BIG story and it pushed the pub date back. Quite a lot as it turned out.
Well, that's not completely awful then. From the sounds of it DG will be an amazing story.
Congratulations on winning the award! Way to go you! I think you deserve it. I love a lot of the vamp stories out there, but it's nice to read something different. I haven't seen a lot out there about the knights templar. Not to mention, Devil's Kiss was just a kick-ass book anyway. I'm sure Dark Goddess will be just as awesome.
Thank you so much! I've just contacted you!
Thank u soo much! I am so outrageously excited! Ive already sent u my address! Hope to be getting it soon!
I'm bummed out as well, Jan 2011 is so far away...oh well, just gives me more time to re-re-re-reread Devil's Kiss. It's a book that never gets old.
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